- General Technical Details
- Payment Process
- Request for payment transaction creating /deposit/create
- Payout Process
- Request for payout transaction creating /deduce/create
- Рефанды
- Transaction Status Notification
- Transaction Status Request
- Balance request
- Errors arising in operating with the system
- Testing

General Technical Details
- https://???.com/api
- Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet consectetur adipisicing elit. Vero ipsam explicabo magni quasi rem. Saepe in velit provident, nulla enim, porro praesentium placeat vitae perspiciatis illum. Alias iusto autem necessitatibus.
All the requests should contain the Auth header with an authorization key that will be sent to Merchant, e.g.
Host: paykey.space
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Auth: fcd8766d4fa5b4a5c7198b87a5d0921d
Pay Key API deals with JSON requests.
All the requests, excluding GET, should be signed by a secret key that will be also sent to Merchant. For signing you need to deliver the md5 hash from a request body with a secret a key concatenating. Then the delivered hash is used in the Sign header and sent together with the request.
The example of the hash calculation in PHP
$request = '{"test":"test"}';
$sign = md5($request . $secret_key);
POST request will be written as
Host: paykey.space
Accept: application/json
Content-Type: application/json
Auth: fcd8766d4fa5b4a5c7198b87a5d0921d
Sign: 49e8dde596382693c52ccc3d722e5229 … {"test":"test"}
Whereas Pay Key sends the requests to the Merchant system using the same rules and keys.
Payment Process
A maximally general case is analyzed in this scheme. In different systems the schemes can differentiate. The information is thoroughly described in the section below.
In certain cases Merchant can charge fee from its Clients, in which case Pay Key system can reckon on it on its side and provide total amounts in the responses to the deposit/create, deduce/create requests, as well as return them by the notifications. For the purpose Merchant needs to provide the policies of fee accounting.
Merchant can also pay fee for its Client.
All the cases will be reviewed after the Section of Requests and Responses.
Request for payment transaction creating /deposit/create
- https://???.com/api
Поле | Тип | Mandatory | Описание | Пример |
amount | float(10,2) | Да | Transaction amount | 10.00 |
currency | string(3) | Да | Transaction amount | RUB |
payment_system | string | Да | Payment system name. | CardGate |
transaction_id | string | Нет | Transaction number in the Merchant system. | 123 |
note | string | Нет | Transaction description for the Merchant | Account deposit 321 |
system_fields | object | Нет | Container for additional fields of payment system. | |
url | object | Нет | Container for URL addresses transmitting. | |
url > callback_url | url | Нет | URL for transmitting notification of a payment to the Merchant system. | http://site.com/callback |
url > fail_url | url | Нет | URL for user redirecting to the Merchant page in case of failure. | http://site.com/fail |
url > pending_url | url | Нет | URL for user redirecting to the Merchant page in case of transaction nonfinal status. | http://site.com/pending |
url > success_url | url | Нет | URL for user redirecting to the Merchant page in case of success. | http://site.com/success |
The example of the request:
"transaction_id": "123",
"amount": "10.00",
"currency": "RUB",
"payment_system": "CardGate",
"url": {
"callback_url": "https://site.com/callback",
"fail_url": "https://site.com/fail",
"pending_url": "https://site.com/pending",
"success_url": "https://site.com/success" } }